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  • jake wall

Ghost Ship

During the opening of 'Ghost Ship', the director uses a variety of media language to communicate massages to the audience through 'Mise En Scene', 'Camera', 'Editing' and 'Sound'.

Mise En Scene is used at the start of the scene to convey that lighting has significance in the plot as lighting is very prominent in most of the shots. this helps to foreshadow what is going to happen and shows that the lights are very important. This is done to help make the audience get an idea of what might happen without giving it away and allows people to speculate their own opinion on what might happen and keeps them engaged.

The Music in the establishing shot is non-diegetic but turns diegetic when we see that a woman is singing the the passengers of the cruise and this music is played throughout the scene. this is played to lure the audience into a false sense of security and lead them to believe that it is going to be a romance which contrasts with the movie being a horror. this is done to keep the audience in the dark about what is going to happen and allows the audience to be more surprised about what is about the happen as they won't expect it.

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