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  • jake wall


Trump Representation

Metro-negative views towards Trump-represent him as grumpy and not relevant compared to Biden-clear support for Biden

The Independent-Represent Trump as dumb-irresponsible-doesn’t follow his own rules-doesn’t care about the safety of others

Daily Mirror-Supportive of trump and Biden-neutral views-trump got beaten but they don’t need to rub it in his face

Newspaper 4-supportive of trump-want trump to win-trying to get people to vote for trump and regain the lead

Boris Johnson Representation

The Sun-present Boris as a joke-make him look bad-make out he's doing a really bad job-doesn't look like a great leader-can't be taken seriously

Daily Mirror-supportive of Boris-'Nightmare' because things aren't going his way-want him to do well-picture makes you feel sorry for him

Black Lives Matter Movement

Guardian-support 'youths'-want something done about what these people want-creating good publicity for their protests-want to help them succeed in making their views reality

Daily Mail-don't agree with 'youths'-make these people look bad-make out they are causing chaos-don't fully respect the cause-only publicize the bad stuff that is going on-want to cause panic

Ethnicity and Religion

The Times-supportive of her-want her to get back to our country safely-her ethnicity or religion don't impact the way the writers see her-only see her as a human instead of seeing her through stereotypical views

The Sun-making her seem like a bad person because of the way she looks-calling her an immigrant because of her religion-making her seem dangerous because of the ethnicity and religion

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