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  • jake wall





Off screen




Diegetic-sound which originate inside the world-what the character can hear

Non-diegetic-sound the character can’t hear

Dialogue-what the characters say

Asynchronous sound-sound that isn’t synched up-takes away realism

Contrapuntal-non diegetic sound doesn’t have the same atmospheric tone

Sound effects-sounds that are added in editing like footsteps

Sound motif-sound that keeps reoccurring-builds tension-foreshadowing

Sound bridge-sound that continues into the next one-links scenes

Voiceover-talking from someone you cannot see on screen-narration

Mode of address-how a character says something-slang-language-emotion

Direct address-character talking directly to audience-takes away realism

Score/soundtrack-non diegetic music added over scenes

Ambient sound-natural sound that occurs in different locations-traffic, birds-realism

Silence-pauses/gaps in sound

Volume-loudness od sound-quality of the sound-perspective

Soundscape-sound in the wider scene-creates an atmosphere

Volume control-loud or quiet-the mood of the scene

Mode of address-style of language used by character-manner of the way narrative comes across to the audience

Foley sound-the use of other objects to create a specific sound-added in editing

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